Selected Work

Thank you for viewing a selection of my work. If you are interested in acquiring my paintings, please know I am happy to discuss payment options, including etransfers, cheques, post dated cheques, credit cards or cash payments.

Please note that the size of the works vary between 80" x 29" / 40" x 36" / 15" x 20" and that price vary between $1,500 to $6,000. Measurements are approximative.

Mixed Mediums on Paper
Special Collection


Mixed Mediums on Paper

Special Collection

Childhood Memories is a collection of seven oils on wood panel (2010).

"This work is done from the standpoint of peril and upset when you are young, vulnerable and frail. They represent the power of experiencing being alive, with turbulence at one end (nature) and stability and comfort at the other (nurture)". - John Eaton